Powerful Vowels

Boost early literacy skills with this multisensory tool.

Designed to build fluency through spelling and reading practice, these ready-made and portable kits are suitable for whole class, small group, or individual instruction.

Powerful Vowels


Head of Department - Queensland

"I am HOD of inclusion and Sounds Write trained - we are using the kits with individual students who are on initial code for in class adjustment, during Sounds Write intervention and with our prep students where we are moving to a science of reading approach in line with the change to Australian curriculum - we love your kits!"



Parent - Western Australia

"My son is 7 years old with a moderate intellectual disability and moderate hearing loss. It was recommended by my son's speech pathologist. We have used her copy in session and I was very impressed with the quality and design so I wanted one for myself to continue teaching at home. We are hopeful that this is going to help bridge the gap of letter and sound actually becoming something real."



Principal - Regional Queensland

"We are a small school of 35 students – so we have enough kits for everyone from P-2 and for older SWD (students with disability). For example, if they can’t speak but have physical movement … they can learn sounds by pointing at the correct letter when they hear it.  For our students who struggle with handwriting, this would be a form of ‘assistive tech’ or ‘alternate pencil’ … and one of the better ones we’ve seen … and other than iPad ones (and tech fails) … having a non-digital version is great."

Powerful Vowels - Build fluency in early reading and writing with this multisensory tool.


Support Teacher - Queensland

"We have just begun using this with a student with Down syndrome in Yr 2 for his individual work – it is really useful having this little portable kit to reduce the transition time for him. He likes the novelty of the kit and the Teacher Aide loves using it with him."

Powerful Vowels - Build fluency in early reading and writing with this multisensory tool.

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Powerful Vowels - Magnetic letters for phonics